Speaking Program: Big Data

In the new global context, it is generally understood that information is power. With all of our digitally connected tools (from cell phones, social media assets, sensor equipped trains and cars), more data has been collected worldwide in the past two years than what has been collected in the past 5,000 years combined — this enormous quantity of information contributes to what we know as Big Data.

Big Data is powerful when it is properly cultivated, analyzed and shared with people who can take that information and make it actionable. This reality is important for businesses, national news outlets, decision-makers running the country, political parties and organizations who want to engage citizens in a localized, meaningful way.

Giovanna breaks down the complexity of Big Data into language that any level of conference participant or employee can enjoy and understand. As a keynote, she offers insights into one of the world’s fastest emerging industries and provides practical steps to integrate Big Data into the fabric of your next strategy or campaign.